Juliette's House Child Abuse Intervention
Medically-based child abuse assessments
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm
About Us
Juliette’s House is a non-profit, medically-based child abuse assessment center conceived and realized in 1997 as a compassionate response to child abuse in Yamhill County.
Juliette’s House resulted from a dynamic grassroots effort to make a child abuse assessment facility designed to be both functional and child-friendly, visible to the community yet sensitive to the need for client privacy, suitable for the size and needs of Yamhill County, and capable of accommodating growth and expanding need.
Each year, 150 to 200 children are referred to Juliette’s House, usually by child welfare workers, law enforcement, and medical providers, for evaluation as a result of suspected sexual abuse, physical abuse, serious neglect, exposure to drug endangerment, or exposure to domestic violence. Juliette’s House works in close collaboration with Child Welfare, Law Enforcement, the District Attorney, Mental Health agencies and Crime Victim Services.
We perform a complete medical examination and forensic interview in a home-like, child-friendly setting designed to minimize trauma to the child and help make the investigation, treatment and follow-up process less frightening and more successful for the child and the child’s family.
We also offer treatment options to the children we serve, and provide follow-up services (such as resource referrals) to children and their non-offending family members.
We give abused children and their families answers to questions, solutions to problems, opportunities to heal themselves, and access to resources and individuals ready to help them.